Wednesday, November 30, 2011

天與地被轟影射Beyond When Heaven Burns Similarity of Hong Kong Band Beyond???

Although When Heaven Burns (天與地), was ignored by TVB management and was delayed in broadcast for two years, the drama sparked a lively online discussion among netizens. The series particularly attracted the fans of music group, Beyond, due to the story centering around four band members and the tragic death of one member 18 years ago. Allegedly, When Heaven Burns contained heavy references to Beyond and was criticized in drawing inspiration from Wong Ka Kui’s (黃家駒) accidental death while on a concert tour in Japan in 1993.

When Heaven Burns will be broadcast in Hong Kong on Monday, November 21st. Online forums were filled with heated debate over the series, which centered around Moses Chan (陳豪), Bowie Lam (林保怡), Kenny Wong (黃德斌), and an additional friend forming a band, Happiness and Anger, together. While mountain climbing, the men were trapped in the snow and resorted to cannibalism upon one band member, who possessed an illness, in order to survive.

Since the story of When Heaven Burns started 18 years ago, fans were suspicious about the references to music group, Beyond. Netizens analyzed the characterizations, noting that Moses Chan, who enjoyed Muay Thai boxing, bore the shadow of Beyond member, Paul Wong (黃貫中). Bowie Lam and Astrid Chan (陳芷菁) were replicas of Wong Ka Keung (黃家強) and his Japanese wife. Kenny Wong was the equivalent of Yip Sai Wing (葉世榮). Since the characters in When Heaven Burns enjoyed playing in a band, Producer Jonathan Chik (戚其義) invited Paul Wong to sing the series’ theme and ending songs, sparking further controversy.

Accused of referencing Beyond, Moses emphasized that When Heaven Burns focused on the theme of humanity. When it was pointed out that Moses’ character loved Muay Thai boxing, which was Paul Wong’s passion, Moses remarked, “Really? I did not know that Paul enjoys Muay Thai boxing! The story spoke about a tragic accident occurring 18 years ago, which was the same time Wong Ka Kui’s death occurred. It was just a coincidence; When Heaven Burns should have been broadcast last year.”


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When Heaven Burns Sub Theme (天與地片尾曲) by Bowie Lam (Solo-Live Version) Song Title: Youth Ignorance (年少無知) (Note: Original by Bowie Lam, Moses Chan, Kenny Wong)

When Heaven Burns Sub Theme (天與地片尾曲) by Bowie Lam  
(Solo-Live Version Download Here)
Song Title: Youth Ignorance (年少無知) (Note: Original by Bowie Lam, Moses Chan, Kenny Wong)

Sub Theme

林﹕年少多好 頑劣多好
  不甘安於封建制度裡 迷信上街真理會達到
  旗幟高舉 群眾聲討
  不惜犧牲一切去上訴 權貴的想法太俗套
  只可惜生活是一堆挫折 只可惜生命是必須妥協

陳﹕年少多好 貧困多好
  一蚊積蓄足以快樂到 廉價結他抒發我暴躁
  財富得到 年歲不保
  捐輸不必講究有回報 人世間總會有異數
  只可惜生活是一聲發泄 只可惜生命是一聲抱歉 怕追討

合﹕如果 命運能選擇 十字街口你我踏出的每步更瀟洒
  如果 活著能坦白 舊日所相信價值不必接受時代的糟蹋

黃﹕年少多好 朋友多好
  一番爭執不會有被告 遊戲競爭不會記入腦
  年歲增長 無法修補
  青春的詩總會老 時間多恐怖

合﹕如果 命運能選擇 十字街口你我踏出的每步無用困惑
  如果 活著能坦白 舊日所相信價值今天發現還未老
  如果 命運能演習 現實中不致接納一生每步殘酷抉擇
  留守 過去的想法 我會否好像這樣生於世上無目的鞭撻 

When Heaven Burns Theme Song (天與地主题曲) by Paul Wong (Full Version)

When Heaven Burns Theme Song (天與地主题曲) by Paul Wong  
(Full Version Download here)
(Duration: 3:23 minutes / Size: 3 MB / MP3)

Theme Song




從開始那天 跟著你一起
曾一起去飛 曾失去自己 世上目標可相比
在心的最底 可還有傷悲
年青的忐忑 成長的壓抑 歲月無聲空追憶

從開始那天 跟著你一起
若天不眷戀 若身心耗損 帶著目標走更遠
留低雖太短 時光可逆轉 彷似流水不會斷

總需要 信任自己
汗血水 繪出天與地
天崩了 我們繼續挺起
問昨天 可想不起

儘管錯 讓我錯到死
別再講 大道理
別要分 我或你
在這刻 我是你  

When Heaven Burns - 天與地 (2011)

Notable : Replacing Forensic Heroes III - 法證先鋒III (2011)
Release Date : November 21, 2011
Episodes: 30
Cast: Charmaine Sheh, Moses Chan, Bowie Lam, Maggie Siu, Kenny Wong, Queenie Chu, Angela Tong, Astrid Chan

Due to an accident, Radio DJ YIP CHI YAN (Charmaine Sheh) re-encounters her good friends from childhood who used to be in a band with her LAU JUN HUNG (Bowie Lam), SUNG YI LONG (Moses Chan), CHEUNG SUK LING (Angela Tong) and CHENG ZHEN HIN (Kenny Wong). Not only did the reunion allowed reminiscence of the teenage period 18 years ago when they were a band, but also evoked the hidden and bitter memories. YAN holds a deep grudge against her 4 friends because they didn't save her boyfriend KA MING's life in the accident that occurred several years back when they were out mountain climbing. Because of this incident, YAN became completely lost in her love life and unable to get out of this predicament.

On one hand, the four good friends loves YAN dearly, but on the other hand, each of them are struggling for survival in the real world. The five of them gets tied in a knot and rolls into a whirlpool of complex relationships, waiting to be rescued...


When Heaven Burns Theme Song (天與地主题曲) by Paul Wong
(Full Version Download here)
Song Title: When Heaven Burns (天與地)
(Duration: 3:23 minutes / Size: 3 MB / MP3)
Song Lyric

When Heaven Burns Sub Theme (天與地片尾曲) by Bowie Lam
(Solo-Live Version Download here)
Song Title: Youth Ignorance (年少無知) (Note: Original by Bowie Lam, Moses Chan, Kenny Wong)
(Duration: 1:31 minutes / Size: 1 MB / MP3)
Song Lyric

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Til Love Do Us Lie - 結•分.謊情式 (2011)

Til Love Do Us Lie - 結•分@謊情式 (2011)
Cast : Eddie Cheung, Kiki Sheung, Joyce Tang, Hanjin Tan, Lin Xiawei, Benjamin Yuen, Angela Tong, Charmaine Li, Susan Tse, Mannor Chan, Ronald Law, Wu Fung

Notable : Replacing Be Home For Dinner
Release Date : October 31, 2011
Episodes 120

KAN YIK BO (Kiki Sheung) has always considered herself as an extraordinary woman. However because of her sudden resignation, she turned from a strong businesswoman to a regular housewife. Her husband SUEN KA ON (Eddie Cheung) may face a layoff from his company and feels pressured after learning he'll be the sole financial support for the family. The couple could face mid-life crisis at any moment. Meanwhile, the crazy sister-in-law KAN YIK DAN (Joyce Tang) loses control after falling out of love and marries Malaysian-Chinese NG LOK TIN (Hanjin Tan). The groom flies over to Hong Kong, but the different culture collides, which leads to no day of peace in the SUEN household. This sitcom brings endless laughs every day...

一向自命非凡的簡亦寶(商天娥)因外傭突然辭職,由女強人變回全職主婦,丈夫孫家安(張兆輝)適逢公司進行裁員改革,自己突成家中唯一經濟支柱頓感壓力, 中年危機一觸即發;另方面,大癲大肺的姨仔簡亦丹(滕麗名)因失戀失控在異地與大馬華僑吳樂仁(陳奐仁)玩結婚,新郎空降香港,兩地文化大碰撞,引致孫家 上下從此永無寧日,笑料天天層出不窮……

Til Love Do Us Lie Theme Song (結·分@謊情式主题曲) by Hanjin Tan & Kiki Sheung (TV Version)
Song Title: Right on Time Download

ICAC Investigators 2011 (廉政行動2011主題曲) by Jacky Cheung

ICAC Investigators 2011 (廉政行動2011主題曲) by Jacky Cheung
Song Title: Fire Light
《廉政行動 2011》主題曲MV: 《火光》
Song Download Here

作曲:John Laudon

-- 歌詞 --

No No No  No No No No No No No No No

No No No  No No No No No No No No No

大路直路處處可走 若是不必講正義
所有 願望實現卻每天擔心 沒意思

若要光 便要生火
若處身黑暗只要心裡總有火 亦清楚心底相信什麼
當 未顧後果
但最後貪到一切都成遺憾 匆匆一生貪到什麼

No No No  No No No No No No No No No

大路直路處處可走 若是不必講正義
所有 願望實現卻每天擔心 沒意思

若要光 便要生火
若處身黑暗只要心裡總有火 亦清楚心底相信什麼
當 未顧後果
但最後貪到一切都成遺憾 匆匆一生貪到什麼

若要光 便要生火
若處身黑暗只要心裡總有火 亦清楚心底相信什麼
當 未顧後果
但最後貪到一切都成遺憾 匆匆一生貪到什麼

[TVB/RTHK] ICAC Investigators - 廉政行動 (2011) [05], [Cantonese][TV-RMVB]

Episodes: 5
Production: RTHK / Broadcast: TVB
Broadcast Period: November 5 - December 3, 2011 (Every Saturday)

Radio Television Hong Kong co-production with the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s TV series “ICAC Investigators 2011″ will provide real ICAC corruption cases, turned into a unit of five one-hour drama, dramatic forms of publicity to the importance of fighting corruption.

Radio Television Hong Kong director Xiagui Chang and Yu Shimin two were responsible for directing episodes of the two units, and the remaining three episodes directed by the Independent Commission Against Corruption within the chapter and the two countries next film directed by renowned director Dante Lam and Raymond Yip.

【發音語言】 : 粵語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕

試 想像,在我們生活的社會中,存在了一個又一個小型的社會,它們隱藏在大社會的核心,以一套獨立自存的運作方式,操控著我們的生活面貌。一般的人不會意識到 它們跟自己有何關係,甚至可能根本不知道它們存在──我們繼續如常地上班上學、買股票、看醫生、買保險、行街食飯買衫……直至有一天,小社會的問題被揭 發,我們終於醒覺到那些利益族群,原來一直蠶食著我們的生活,讓我們得不到我們本來就應得的東西,包括治安、財富、健康、甚至生命。
位高權重, 坐擁億萬身家的某某, 為何仍會參與貪污?
今年,五位實力導演:林超賢、章國明、葉偉民、夏桂昌和余世民,率領一眾巨星以及廉署精英,繼續展開《廉政行動2011》。從上市企業、保險公司、醫療機 關、警隊,以至大型連鎖快餐店,五宗曲折駭人的貪污罪行,一幕幕似曾相識又與市民悉悉相關的不法勾當,將以凌厲影像,震撼重現。

演 員:陳松伶、陳國邦、林利、張繼聰、何華超、周國賢、應昌佑、黃子雄、李小明、李悅彤、陳哲民、劉欣宜
編 導:夏桂昌
曾雪蘭(陳松伶 飾),加入廉政公署十二年,行事作風硬朗,巾幗不讓鬚眉。剛調組的雪蘭處理了好幾樁關於投訴警務人員的案件,這次她所面對的一件由警隊內部調查科直接轉介的案件。
調查對象是沙展陳義江(林利 飾),人稱KING哥。性子剛烈,曾經是一名出色的警員,破過不少案件,但因為他剛愎自用,令他難以晉升。KING哥的太太剛懷了身孕,由於財政上的壓 力,加上他工作上與黑道的接觸,讓他慢慢開始變質。警方懷疑,KING哥濫用職權,私下向一些販賣色情光碟的不法份子提供保護。
案件中另一關鍵人物,葉子善(張繼聰 飾),綽號草蜢,也是警員,與KING哥十交友好。但草蜢的行為比KING哥更不規舉。平時愛流連夜場,而且染指毒品,甚至與一些賣淫女子交往,他作風高 調,行為大膽。雪蘭利用草蜢的虛榮心,派出臥底調查員唐亦峰(陳國邦 飾)接近對方。

ICAC Investigators 2011 (廉政行動2011主題曲) by Jacky Cheung
Song Title: Fire Light 火光 Download
Song Lyric here

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Curse of the Royal Harem Sub Theme (萬凰之王片尾曲) by Myolie Wu (TV Version)

Curse of the Royal Harem Sub Theme (萬凰之王片尾曲) by Myolie Wu (TV Version)
Song Title: Match Made In Heaven (天造地設)
(Duration: 1:02 minute / Size: 1 MB / MP3) Download

Sub Theme

萬凰之王 片尾曲
天造地設 主唱:胡杏兒

承諾過 說的話
離別時 就察覺痛傷吧
難道我 做錯嗎
這份情 消失於天國嗎

突破 框架
會刻寫過動人 字句


含淚說 說謊話
凝望時 未會對妳坦白
其實愛 絕對嗎
這份情 終得到苦澀嗎

突破 框架
會刻寫過動人 字句

遙望去 看天下
愛共情 是否分黑白

Curse of the Royal Harem Theme Song (萬凰之王主題曲) by Susanna Kwan (Full Version)

Curse of the Royal Harem Theme Song (萬凰之王主題曲) by Susanna Kwan (Full Version)
(Duration: 3:08 minutes / Size: 2 MB / MP3) Download

Theme Song

關菊英 - 各安天命 (電視劇《萬凰之王》主題曲)
編曲:Johnny Yim

看 雷暴間風勢也逆轉
前方 怎修正都並未如願
看 迷路間激發了恨怨
誰知 際會只因緣7

女或男 武或文 富或貧 決定場景
失去或得 降或升 勝或輸 人聽命
雨或陽 暖或寒 誕或亡 兌換人性
悲痛或喜 忐或忑 笑或哭 難怨命

看 雷暴間風勢也逆轉*
人生 怎修正都並未如願
看 存活間激發了恨怨
人間 際會只因緣
誰知 結局怎麼完