Sunday, March 25, 2012

蕭正楠 - 從未在意 (電視劇《當旺爸爸》主題曲) Daddy Good Deeds Theme Song by Edwin Siu

蕭正楠 - 從未在意 (電視劇《當旺爸爸》主題曲) 
Download Song here 
作曲: 鄧智偉
填詞: 鄭櫻綸

在年月中 心暖萬次被抱擁 
心裡話能 在你笑容看得懂 
漫長路中 多遠路你伴我衝 
多晚大門 沒閉上仍會等我 

從未在意 你在旁 
從前未懂著緊 未懂用心 
誰在算 算未完 

原來越懂付出 越懂幸福 
總不可取替是你 抬頭望他 

看得懂 在長夜中 

Daddy Good Deeds - 當旺爸爸 (2012)

Cast: Ha Yu, Steven Ma, Linda Chung, Evergreen Mak, Nancy Wu, Chris Lai, Edwin Siu, Cilla Lok

 Release Date: March 19, 2012
Notable: Replacing The Hippocratic Crush
Episodes: 20

蕭正楠 - 從未在意 (電視劇《當旺爸爸》主題曲) Daddy Good Deeds Theme Song by Edwin Siu
Download Theme Song
Lyric here

Pawn shop owner KO YEE MAN (Ha Yu) often upholds the 'emergency assistance' spirit, there will always be solutions to everything in life, with exception of his three beloved children. Being the 24/7 father is gives him the greatest headache. Oldest son KO WAI TING (Evergreen Mak) and his wife WAN YUN HAN (Nancy Wu) are a very loving couple, but their careers trip them up. Second daughter KO YUE CHU (Linda Chung) almost became the third party in a relationship, but was fortunate enough that her bickering friend LAM FAT (Steven Ma) was there to pull her back up on her feet. As for youngest daughter KO YUE BO (Cilia Lok), she is completely a fast and dodgey person. She only knows how to chit-chat day and night, and have no integrity.

【影片格式】 : RMVB
【發音語言】 : 粵語
【字幕語言】 :中文字幕

當舖老闆高義文(夏雨)常高舉「救急幫人」作當舖精神,生活大小事他都總有辦法,唯獨三個寶貝兒女,最令廿四孝老豆最傷神;大仔高威庭(麥長青)與家嫂溫 婉嫻(胡定欣)恩愛非常,但事業總有阻滯、二女高如珠(鍾嘉欣)遇人不淑差點做小三,幸得冤家林發(馬浚偉)仗義相助把她從谷底救起、而孻女高如寶(樂 瞳)則是百分百的快閃達人,日夜只懂空談,不懂做人;加上與義文多年賓主關係的林亞女(周驄)和學徒葉貴(蕭正楠)的出現,義文打開算盤計一計,位位至親 盡是無價寶,一生心血當斷亦無怨無悔……