Sunday, April 8, 2012

[TVB-M] Sergeant Tabloid - 女警愛作戰 (2012) [20]

Sergeant Tabloid - 女警愛作戰
Cast: Niki Chow, Michael Tse, Mandy Wong, Matthew Ko, Koni Lui, Queenie Chu, William Chak, Grace Wong, Oceane Zhu, Elaine Yiu
Release Date: April 2, 2012
Notable: Warehoused/Overseas Release. (Broadcast: AOD, TVBJ, PPS)
Episodes: 20
【片     名】 : 女警愛作戰     Sergeant Tabloid
【年     份】 : 2012年
【集     数】 : 20集
【語     言】 : 粤語
【字     幕】 : 中文字幕
【演  員】 : 周麗淇、謝天華、黃智雯、高鈞賢、朱 璇、呂慧儀、王君馨、許紹雄
【監     製】 : 張乾文
【編     審】 : 關皓月


冲 锋队女警长吕霏侠(周丽淇)年过三十,在爱情路上起伏跌宕。当遇见一位完美男人即採取积极“追捕”行动,谁料男友的真正身份是大毒梟,二人所有的交往过程 更被狗仔报记者蓝一一(谢天华)大公开成了报章头条,霏侠对一一恨之入骨。不久,霏侠又火速恋上刚入警队的师弟王子传(高钧贤),一一又刻意破坏,霏侠始 发现父亲吕镇男(许绍雄)与一一串通来拆散鸳鸯。加上与女上司司徒骄(黄智雯)不合拍天天斗智斗力,公私两面压力大爆煲,令这位“极品师姐”不得不发动连 环反击战,为爱战到底…… 

Emergency Unit (EU) female sergeant LUI FEI HAP (Niki Chow) is over 30 and had her ups and downs in love. When she meets the perfect man (Vincent Wong), she actively began her 'hunt and capture' operation, where she unexpectedly discovers that her boyfriend's true identity is in fact a drug lord. Her entire relationship with this drug lord was captured and placed on the headlines by tabloid reporter LAM YAT YAT (Michael Tse). FEI HAP hated YAT YAT with a passion, but not long after she quickly fell in love with her fellow junior WONG CHI CHYUN (Matthew Ko). YAT YAT then tried to ruin their relationship. When FEI HAP found out her father LUI CHAN NAM (Benz Hui) partnered with YAT YAT to break her and CHYUN up, and that she can never get along with her female superior SZETO GIU (Mandy Wong), FEI HAP breaks down in both her work and career life. This 'best quality policewoman' was forced to unleash a chain of counter attacks and fight for her love until the end..

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