Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Divas In Distress - 巴不得媽媽 (2012)

Cast: Liza Wang, Gigi Wong, King Sir, Chin Kar Lok, Him Law, Mandy Wong, Eliza Sam, Ram Chiang, Mimi Chu, Iva Law, Candice Chiu

Release Date: August 27, 2012
Notable: Replacing Ghetto Justice II
Episodes: 22
Theme Song Download

Theme Song Lyric

Striving for temporary superiority over one another, retired TV actresses SHEUNG YING-HUNG (Liza Wang) and MIU SING-HO (Gigi Wong) have had ruptures in their relationship as fellow students for thirty years. They basically would not have contacted each other should their master – FUNG HANG-MAN (Chung King Fai) not got in between them from time to time. Ironically SING-HO's son - CHONG KA-LONG (Chin Ka Lok) married YING-HUNG's daughter, who risked her life to have a baby then died giving birth, leaving YING-HUNG grief-stricken. Fate has it that KA-LONG encounters HEUNG NAI-HING (Eliza Sam), who is a TV reporter from a wealthy family. While SING-HO advocates KA-LONG to remarry, YING-HUNG deliberately sabotages it. On the other hand, YING-HUNG devotes all her attention to cultivate her son, CHAK YAU-SING (Him Law). To her surprise, he falls in love with SING-HO's niece KWAI YEE-HEI (Mandy Wong), a construction worker. Not wanting her son to follow in her daughter's footsteps, YING-HUNG is resolved to create difficulties for them. Ongoing hatred towards each other is fuelling the conflicts between YING-HUNG and SING-HO, enmeshing their children in an awkward predicament. How they wish their mothers would not continue like that!

息影電視紅星商映虹(汪明荃飾)和繆星河(黃淑儀飾)本屬同門師姊妹,但二女為爭一日之長短,鬧至決裂長達三十年之久,若不是師父馮恨晚(鍾景輝飾)經常 居中拉攏,兩人基本上老死不相往還,但諷刺的是星河的兒子莊家朗(錢嘉樂飾)原來是映虹的女婿,而映虹女兒為家朗冒生命危險誕子,後更難產去世,令映虹一 直痛在心嵌。在電視台當記者的富家女香乃馨(岑麗香飾)突然出現在家朗身邊,星河主張家朗再娶,映虹就一面破壞。另一方面,映虹悉心栽培成材的兒子翟有聲 (羅仲謙飾)竟然愛上星河當裝修師傅的外甥女夔懿曦(黃智雯飾),儼如當年家朗跟女兒的翻版,映虹自然要從中破壞,令映虹跟星河舊恨復添新仇,鬥個不亦樂 乎,難為做子女的,左右做人難,都但願巴不得媽媽…

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