Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reality Check - 心路GPS (2013)

Cast: Ruco Chan, Louise Lee, Priscilla (Fish) Wong, Evergreen Mak, Rebecca Chan, Stanley Cheung, Leung Ka Kei, Rachel Kan, Hero Yuen

Release Date: February 18, 2013
Notable: Replacing The Days of Days
Episodes: 20
Theme Song Download
Theme Song Lyric

Senior television director HA YAT CHEUNG (Ruco Chan) is preparing to shoot an all new reality TV show, documenting HK youth CHEUNG CHUN KIT's (Hero Yuen) experience of going from city life back to village life in Mainland. Because the lack of staff at the TV station, CHEUNG hired HUI MEI FUNG (Priscilla Wong) to be the assistant director and asked good friend LEUNG CHUN SHUN (Evergreen Mak) to help with the filming. During the filming process, the crew witnessed how the HK youth master representative overcomes cultural differences in the village and changes in his personal character. The blind spots in their lives slowly unfolds as the reality show goes on. Just like the subjective and stubborn CHEUNG re-examined the love and hate between his adopted mother LAU CHUI WAN (Louise Lee) and biological mother HA SIU LAN (Rebecca Chan). The hardworking and good faith MEI FUN works nonstop just because of her dignity and to recover her lost paternal love. The 'big man' CHUN SHUN and his family went through mass destruction… how will this clever director bring everyone out of their distressed lives?

電視台高級編導夏日長(陳展鵬)籌備拍攝全新真人騷,紀錄香港青年張俊傑(阮政峰)從城市回內地體驗農村生活反璞歸真的實況,因電視台人手短缺,日長請了 新入行的許美鳳(黃翠如)當助導,又找來好友梁忠信(麥長青)當攝影師,拍攝過程中各人見證著代表港童的主人翁,如何面對在農村發生的文化衝突及個性被轉 化,各自在生活上的盲點因而被逐步揭露;像一向主觀、事事執著的日長,重新檢視與養母劉翠雲(李司棋)和生母夏笑嫻(陳秀珠)之間的愛與恨、勤奮真誠的美 鳳工作不眠不休原來只為重拾尊嚴,追回失落了的父愛、而大男人的忠信與家人之間的瑣碎糾紛漸衍生成軒然大波,家庭四分五裂……到底心靈的嚮導如何帶他們走 出人生的窘局﹖

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