Monday, April 22, 2013

Chiropractic / Chiropractor

Do you realize you always walk at a side and certain area of your shoe worn out much faster than the other?

Your posture for sitting/sleep/walk does not able to support as usual?

Stiffness and pain on neck and shoulders?

No cures after medication, injection, massages?

It most likely your spine disorder caused your pain. Why suffer in such pain? Most likely you had certain work or posture disorder after daily activities/work related/injury had added the burden to your back and spine.

Do try out chiropractic, a professional therapy/doctor who will press and correct your spine & bones position. This is not a magic, we have to understand that our pain was day in day out long term contribution. Therefore diagnosis also may take time, case to case basis 1-6 session is pretty normal.

Better to correct your positions and posture today! 

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